Contracting Authority: Government Client
Contract Length: 14/04/2025
Clearance: DBS
Employee Relations – Advises on complex employee conflict issues, dealing with trade unions and third parties, understands the law relating to employing people, has experience of preparing for employment tribunals
Has a breadth and depth of experience/knowledge within the HR environment
2 years’ experience of providing HR Advice to a range of manager
A Good Understanding Of The Role HR Plays Within A Council
Ability to apply HR solutions in a pragmatic and service focused manner
Ability to offer practical HR advice
Employee Relations Experience / Knowledge
Proven contemporary HR delivery experience and sound technical expertise in employee relations legislation, case work practice and change management principles, ideally gained within a complex operating environment
Proven, contemporary HR delivery experience and sound technical expertise in employee relations legislation, case work practice and change management principles, ideally gained within a complex operating environment.
Our dedicated team would be pleased to discuss in more detail how we may be able to help